
I am a natural light photographer, specializing in Seniors, Individuals and Engagement Sessions. I love to capture the special memories that will be cherished by your family for years to come. Capturing real life as a portrait is what I love to do. Real. Life. Portraiture.

~Birthday Giveaway~

Is anyone interested in a $10 Starbucks Gift Card?

From today until June 15th, you can enter to win.... if you'd like to win the Starbucks Gift Card, here are your three chances to enter:

1. Simply leave a comment telling me about your best birthday present ever. (you don't have to be registered, you can just leave an anonymous comment, but be sure to leave contact information)

2. If you are a subscriber, you get an extra entry for the contest! Just make a second comment that says "subscriber." THANK YOU for reading my blog! OR...If you're new here and would like to subscribe, you can and then leave a comment to get your second entry.

3. If you have a blog, you can blog about this giveaway. Then, leave a third comment, with your blog address so I can come visit.

I know this is totally unrelated to my photography stuff, but hey, its my birthday and I can do what I want now that I am 30! (or will be in a few more hours) So, happy birthday to me!!!

The fine print:
This giveaway ends Monday, June 15, at 9:00pm PST. I will draw the name of the winner using the random number generator at

The winner will be contacted by email as well as announced here on Tuesday, June 16. If the winner does not email me with his/her mailing address within 48 hours, a new winner will be chosen.


Anonymous said...

My favorite birthday present was my daughter that you gave me. :)

Your Husband

What can I say I like Coffee. :)

Karen Barnett said...

My favorite bday present was a hammered dulcimer that my husband let me buy at the Salem Art Fair many years ago! :)

Karen Barnett said...

...and I'm a subscriber. I LOVE to look at the photos on your blog. Especially the baby shots! :)

Karen Barnett said...

Okay, last one! I added your contest to my blog that will post tomorrow morning. Mmmm, I can taste the lattes already. Happy birthday, old lady! :) Welcome to your thirties. Trust me, it just gets better from here! http://www.cannotbeshaken.blogspot.com.

Anonymous said...

My favorite birthday present was when mom and dad took me to the beach with YOU during "The Best Summer of My Life"---really, I am not hanging on to that or anything...I just thought it would make you laugh! =-)

Happy 30th Birthday!!

Oh, I also like Adam's post--that was funny!

Columbia Lily said...

Happy Birthday!!! It actually is pretty cool to be 30. =)

Favorite birthday present....hmmm. I don't really know. My birthday and Christmas are so close together they kind of run together. I did like the printer I got last Christmas/birthday!!!

Columbia Lily said...

I'm a follower...

Do I get an extra entry if I've been a follower since we were 9? =)

Doreen said...

Happy birthday!! :) Hmmmm my best birthday present ever....I can't think of anything major. Gift cards are my thing what can I say?! :) purposedrivenlife4you at gmail dot com I love Starbucks!! :)

Doreen said...

I'm following your bloggy! I looked around to find where to subscribe and can't locate where it's at. Can you subscribe me or let me know where it's at on your site? Thanks! purposedrivenlife4you at gmail dot com

Naddez said...

My best birthday gift ever was a check over $300! :)


Naddez said...

Subscribed to RSS feed-dykstraq(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

Naddez said...

Subscribed to RSS feed-dykstraq(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I think my favorite birthday present ever was my surprise 30th birthday party and the sweet slideshow you made me. And running a close second would be the "pizza delivery" where you and your fam showed up at my door with the pizza!

So I thought maybe relatives wouldn't be able to enter this contest...but then I saw Adam right at the top! He didn't blog about it too?;)

How do you subscribe?


Ashley said...

I loveee starbucks, please enter me!


My favorite present was my electronic piano given to me by my parents last year. I've been playing piano since I was in 3rd grade...almost 7 years ago! :D

Ashley said...

+1 I posted this on my left sidebar at http://booksobsession.blogspot.com

P.S. That is SO cute what you're husband said :)

Lisle said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Elisabeth Wisnewski said...

So I am a secret stalker... I love looking at your pics! I have been talking to my husband about getting a nice camera before we start a family so I can be prepared... :0)

My favorite birthday present was my dresser my parents gave me last year that matched Aaron's bedroom furniture. It was the official "I'm moving in" item! :0)

Elisabeth Wisnewski

Ben said...

ummmm, coffee, coffee, buzz, buzz, buzz. My best present was my daughter too! Born on my 32nd b-day!


Ben said...

and my wife and I follow you! (can I use her entry?)

:) Ben