
I am a natural light photographer, specializing in Seniors, Individuals and Engagement Sessions. I love to capture the special memories that will be cherished by your family for years to come. Capturing real life as a portrait is what I love to do. Real. Life. Portraiture.


cheer,cheerleading,south albany high school,chearleader,Arely,photography

If you have never met Arely, then you have never heard a real laugh, or had real fun! Arely is one of the sweetest friends I have and I love hanging out with her. She came by for a quick session one afternoon and it rained on us! But we still got some great shots with my make-shift studio. Is she not the most adorable cheerleader?

cheer,cheerleading,south albany high school,chearleader,Arely,photography

cheer,cheerleading,south albany high school,chearleader,Arely,photography

Sweet Julia

baby,baby girl,girl,infant,photography,portrait

We had some friends over for dinner and held an impromptu photo session with their little girl. She is growing up so fast...but she is such a sweetie. I loved holding her getting some smiles out of her. But as soon as her daddy was on the scene she was ALL smiles for him.

baby,baby girl,girl,infant,photography,portrait

baby,baby girl,girl,infant,photography,portrait

baby,baby girl,girl,infant,photography,portrait

1 Month ~Baby Boy~

baby boy,baby,infant,newborn,parents,photography,portraits,pictures,oregon

I love, love, love this next one.

baby,baby boy,newborn,infant,photography,portrait,daddy,Oregon Photographer

baby boy,baby,infant,newborn,parents,photography,portraits,pictures,oregon

i heart faces "Hands on"

When I saw this weeks theme I remembered a shot I took last year. Its one of my favorites. This family had just welcomed their little boy home and we met at the park to get some pictures. This one is sweet because it shows their sweet baby and toddler hands together with the strong hand of their dad.
adoption, baby, toddler, hand, family, photography

Check out the other entries at

1 Month Old Details

Mr. T and family...

These pictures were taken early in January and somehow I am just now getting around to posting them! These cute kiddos are a handful of my nieces and 1 of my nephews. Oh and their parents! (My sister and brother-in-law)

I just had to add another one of this cutie....I just LOVE this shot! Isn't she gorgeous?!

We ♥ Kisses Photo Challenge

Its "We ♥ Kisses" week at i heart faces

I took this shot last spring during an engagement session. I loved how the focus fit between the grasses. Its definitely one of my favorite kissing shots!

Check out all the other entries....