My mom is one who always has a camera in hand...or at least in her purse! So I sorta grew up with the idea of taking lots of pictures.
About 7 years ago my husband surprised me with a 35mm Nikon N65.
I was so thrilled! I could finally take better than average pictures! As I began to learn more about the camera and it's capabilities, I was impressed with all the functions...but as I took more pictures it became obvious to me that the camera isn't what made the pictures great!
This is me when I was pregnant with our youngest daughter.
What made the pictures great, is what I was capturing. I had an eye for things that other people couldn't see. I realized that so many moments go by in our lives unnoticed. There are photo opportunities every day. While playing games with some friends one evening I glanced under the table and noticed this....
another friend said;
"It's love seen, and unseen."
Life is all about loving. I am excited to record my first wedding on August 2nd. Nathan and Sarah are getting married and I have been chosen to capture the day for them. I can't wait!
So thats me, I am learning more about photography everyday! I could throw out fancy terms like lots of other photo blogs do, but honestly, I would rather just do what I do to take great shots!
I can't wait to post pictures of the the meantime, check back soon for more pictures of an adorable family.
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