Some members of our church visited this area in Mexico around 15-20 years ago and built a church in a tiny town called Tabasco. We were able to visit this church last Sunday and meet Alfredo, the pastor, his wife Connie, and daughters Melissa and Kayla. They were so welcoming to us, I think we all fell in love with them immediately! So this collage is from Sunday the 22. (Click on the collage to see it larger.)
Still Processing
Settling back in
I ♥ Faces ~ Fix it Friday ~ ....and, big news!
Here is the original shot....adorable already! Look at those dimples!!
So first I just lightened the shot a tiny bit and sharpened it. The rest of my changes are based off of this one.
You might recognize this action from Pioneer Woman....its called Heartland. It is one of my favorites, but is sometimes hard to get just right because I usually want to tweak the layers a bit to get it looking how I want it.
This one has a color boost as well as a black and white layer over it...I changed the black and white layer to an overlay and that is how I got the dark contrasts on it.
I think this last one is my favorite. There is something about black and whites and kids....its just classic. I love how this one pops out the contrasts too!
On a totally different note....big news!
I am heading off tonight to Mexico! Ahh...2 days notice just is not enough. But I think I will be fine. I am going with 2 high school students, and 3 other adults from church. We will be driving down...around 18 hours and should arrive tomorrow afternoon in AZ. I am really excited about it and can't wait to go to the orphanage. That might be my favorite part of the trip (already!) but it might also be the part that kills me. I don't know if I can leave any of the little ones there! :( We will also be visiting a church that some of the congregation built around 20 years ago. I am really excited about the whole trip. I am sure I'll take lots of pictures and I'll post them sometime about 10 days from now.
See you then!
A New Favorite
Author~Karen Barnett
Fix It Friday
Original Shot (Its already a great one which makes it hard to play with!)
This black and white is a fun one, though I can't take much credit for it since I just ran some actions. I first ran an action from "Coffee Shop Actions" on it called "Powder Room" it gives the skin a really even tone and makes the eyes sparkle. Then I used an action from Coffee Shop called "Coffee With Cream" this really lightened up the image. My final step was to run one of my favorite black and white actions called "Ally's B&W".
Another Card Design *edited*
*So Jennifer...is this close to what you pictured? I kinda went crazy with circles on the last one, but didn't know which one looked better. :)*
Welcome to the Woods
I had the opportunity to photograph Kurt and Beth and their daughter last fall, and this past weekend I got to photograph the extended family too. They are all so much fun. I can see how much they love and care about each other.
A few more~
Adorable "Miss M"
Spring Special
And congrats to Michelle and Momma_Teter! I'll post a version of their cards in the coming weeks!
Fix it Friday~ I ♥ Faces
Lightened, warmed and converted to black and white, then rotated a bit and cloned in the background to create a larger space around the face.
On this one I lightened it, and warmed it up. I then cropped it to a horizontal angle and cloned in the background to create a different look. I would take any suggestions on how to fix the cloned part...I feel like it has some obvious "rows" or lines.